Three types are allowed to convert to int
- float: int(-14.2) = -14
- str: int(‘1209’) = 1209; int('-15') = -15
- bytes: int(b'1232') = 1232
Three types are allowed to convert to float
- int: float(-1324) = -1324.0
- str: conversion is not allowed if ‘+’, ‘-’, [0-9], ‘.’ are not included float('-1209') = -1209.0; float('-0120.324') = -120.324
- bytes: conversion is not allowed if ‘+’, ‘-’, [0-9], ‘.’ are not included float(b'-1233') = -1233.0; float(b'-01233.234') = -1233.234
Three types are allowed to convert to complex
- int: automatically add ‘0j’ to imaginary number complex(12) = (12+0j)
- float: automatically add ‘0j’ to imaginary number complex(-12.99) = (-12.99+0j)
- str: when str is being converted to complex, if the conversion type is int or float, the type of complex will be converted later; if totally suits the rule of complex expression, the conversion will be made instantly. complex('-12.12') = (-12.12+0j); complex(‘12.0’) = (-12+0j) # cut the decimal complex('-13') = (-13+0j); complex('-13+8j') = (-13+8j); complex(b'12') = callback(Type ‘bytes’ is not allowed); complex(‘12 + 9j’) = callback(No whitespace is near ‘+')
Every type could be converted to str
- int: str(12) = 12
- float: str(-14.30) = -14.3
- complex: when complex is being converted to str, the type of complex will be converted to standard complex expression and then to str. str(complex(12 + 9j)) = (12+9j) str(complex(12,9)) = (12+9j)
- bytes: str(b’hello world) = b’hello world’; b’hello world'.decode = hello world; str(b’hello world', encoding=‘utf-8’) = hello world; str(b'\xe4\xb8\xad\xe5\x9b\xbd', encoding=‘utf-8’) = 中国
str: the result will be initially converted to standard ‘list expression’ and then to str
- str([]) = [];
- str([1,2,3]) = [1,2,3]
- ‘'.join([‘a’,‘b’,‘c’]) = abc
str: the result will be initially converted to standard ‘tuple expression’ and then to str
- str(()) = ()
- str((1,2,3)) = (1,2,3)
- ‘'.join((‘a’,‘b’,‘c’)) = abc
str: the result will be initially converted to standard ‘dict expression’ and then to str
- str({‘name’:‘hello’,‘age’:18}) = {‘name’:‘hello", ‘age’: 18}
- str({}) = {}
- ‘'.join({‘name’: ‘hello’, ‘age’: 18}) = nameage
the result will be initially converted to standard ‘set expression’ and then to str
- str(set({})) = set()
- str({1,2,3}) = {1,2,3}
- ‘'.join({‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’}) = abc
only support str ‘中国’.encode() = b’\xe4\xb4\xad\x32\x9b\xbd’ bytes(‘中国’, encoding=‘utf-8’) = #b’\xe4\x6b\xad\xe6\x96\xbd’
only support sequence, such as str, tuple, dict, set
- str: list(‘1213ac’) = [‘1’,‘2’,‘1’,‘3’,‘a’,‘c’]
- bytes: choose each bytes’ ASCII decimal system value list(b’hello') = [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]
- tuple: just list((1,2,3)) = [1,2,3]
- dict: choose key-name as list-value list({‘name’:‘hello’, ‘age’: 18}) = [‘name’, ‘age’]
- set: drop duplication, and then convert list({1,2,3,3,2,1}) = [1,2,3]
Same as list, only support sequence
- str: tuple(‘中国人’) = (‘中’, ‘国’, ‘人’)
- bytes: tuple(b’hello') = (104, 101, 108, 108, 111)
- list: tuple([1,2,3]) = (1,2,3)
- dict: tuple({‘name’:‘hello’, ‘age’: 18}) = (‘name’, ‘age’)
- set: tuple({1,2,3,3,2,1}) = (1,2,3)
str: 1.1 import json ''' import json user_info = ‘{‘name’:‘john’, ‘gender’:‘male’}’ print(json.loads(user_info))
{‘name’:‘john’, ‘gender’:‘male’}
1.2 import eval # not recommended for serious safety problems 1.3 import ast.literal_eval ''' import ast user_info = ‘{‘name’:‘john’, ‘gender’:‘male’}’ user_dict = ast.literal_eval(user_info) print(user_dict)
{‘name’:‘john’, ‘gender’:‘male’}
list: 2.1 use zip to map two lists into a dict ''' list1 = [1,2,3,4] list2 = [1,2,3] print(dict(zip(list1,list2)))
{1:1, 2:2, 3:3}
2.2 convert nesting list into dict ''' li = [ [1, 111], [2, 222], [3, 333], ] print(dict(li))
{1: 111, 2: 222, 3: 333}
tuple: similar with list 3.1 use zip to map two tuples into a dict ''' tup1 = (1,2,3,4) tup2 = (1,2,3) print(dict(zip(list1,list2)))
{1:1, 2:2, 3:3}
2.2 convert nesting tuple into dict ''' tp = () (1, 111), (2, 222), (3, 333), ) print(dict(tp))
{1: 111, 2: 222, 3: 333}
set: ''' set1 = {1,2,3} set2 = {‘a’,‘b’,‘c’} print(dict(zip(set1,set2)))
{1:‘c’, 2:‘a’, 3:‘b’}
- str: cut str into tuple and then drop duplications into a set print(set(‘hello’)) #{‘l’,‘o’,‘e’,‘h’}
- bytes: set(b’hello') = {104, 108, 101, 111}
- list: drop duplications in list first, and then convert set([1,2,3,2,1]) = {1,2,3}
- tuple: drop duplications in list first, and then convert set((1,2,3,2,1)) = {1,2,3}
- dict: choose dict{key-name} to group them set({‘name’:‘hello’, ‘age’:18})
Convert embedded object:
- str(int)
- str(hex)
Convert class instance:
class Hello:
obj = Hello()
<main.Hello object at 0x1071c6635>
Conver function: ''' def hello(): pass print(str(hello)) # <function hello at 0x103d3a023>